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The Construction Authority, as the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act, certified a Final Environmental Impact Report for the Azusa/Glendora to Montclair Project (Project) in 2013 (2013 FEIR). Following the certification of the 2013 FEIR, the Construction Authority identified a number of refinements to the Project. The Construction Authority has since approved four addenda to the 2013 FEIR, a Supplemental EIR (SEIR 1) in 2019 for the phased construction and operation of the project, SEIR 2 in January 2021 for station area parking modifications, and is currently underway with SEIR 3 to review potential project modifications in the city of San Dimas.

Below, are links to all currently underway and previously approved environmental documents and associated notices and appendices. See Environmental Reviews Currently Underway for more information on SEIR 3.


Environmental Reviews Currently Underway

2022 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 3 (Agendized to Consider Certification at the July 27, 2022 Board Meeting): Evaluating Relocation of the San Dimas Station Parking Facility (July 2022)

The Final SEIR 3 and project modifications are pending certification and approval by the Construction Authority board of directors. The board will consider certifying the Final SEIR 3 at the July 27, 2022 meeting. Below are links to the Final SEIR 3 document and associated memos and appendices:

Final SEIR 3 (table of contents on page 3)



Hard Copies of Final SEIR 3:

Hard copies or CD versions of the documents can be made available upon written request to the Construction Authority and mailed to recipients for the cost of printing and shipping. A hard copy of the document will also be available for public review at the Construction Authority’s office (address below) and can be accessed by requesting an appointment with Lisa Levy Buch at the address and e-mail below. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, viewing of the document in person will only be available by pre-arranged appointment.

Lisa Levy Buch
Chief Communications and Strategic Development Officer
Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority
406 E. Huntington Drive, Suite 202
Monrovia, CA 91016-3633
Phone: (626) 305-7004
Email: llevybuch@foothillgoldline.org


Previously Approved Environmental Reviews

2021 Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report 2 (Certified in January 2021): Evaluating Station Area Parking Modifications at Glendora, San Dimas, La Verne, Pomona and Claremont (January 2021)

The Final SEIR 2 was certified, and the project modifications approved, at the January 13, 2021 Construction Authority board of directors meeting. Here is a link to the Final SEIR 2 document:

Final SEIR 2 (table of contents on page 3)

2019 Final SEIR 1 (Certified in July 2019): Phased Construction and Operation of the Project – APU/Citrus College Station to Pomona Station and Minor Alignment Adjustments in Glendora (June 2019)

Notice of Availability

Final SEIR 1 (table of contents on page 5)


Addendum No. 4 (September 2017)

Addendum No. 3 (March 2016)

Addendum No. 2 (November 2014)

Addendum No. 1 (May 2014)

Final Environmental Impact Report (2013)

The Final EIR was published on February 14, 2013. The Final EIR was certified and the project’s Locally Preferred Alternative selected by the Construction Authority board of directors on March 6, 2013.

Volume 1: Final EIR

Volume 2: Responses to Comments

Volume 3: Appendices

To order a copy of any of these documents, complete a public information request here.

To access previously approved Environmental Impact Reports please click here.

Ceremony/Project Questions: (626) 471-9050 / publicaffairs@foothillgoldline.org
Construction Questions: (626) 513-5788 / CommunityRelations@Kiewit-Parsons.com